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5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life

5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Child’s Life

Giving birth is only 10% task done but raising child/children is remaining 90% of the tasks and this blog will help you get A+ in this 90% of the tasks.

If you don’t want to be A**Hole parent/s and raise another A**Hole/s like you; make sure you read this and understand various types of parenting styles and which is best suited to raise successful human being.

It does not matter how was your childhood or your parents were; you can make change into the life of your child/children and self as well.

It’s upto the parents efforts to turn your child into successful human beings like next Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Martin Luther King Jr or turn into a psychopath mass shooter monster.

Let’s learn more about below points in depth ( tap / click to jump to the respective topic )

1.  Authori-tarian Parenting ( Worst form of parenting – big NO NO to this )

2. Authori-tative Parenting ( best form of parenting – big YES to this )

3. Permissive Parenting ( BAD )

4. Neglecting Parents ( BAD )

5. Over Involved Parenting ( BAD)

6. निष्कर्ष

Authori-tarian Parenting ( Worst form of parenting - big NO NO to this )

As the name suggest it has got word “tarian”, which can be thought as “train” there is only 1 way of movement and that’s decided by parents. In this case child is just a wagon and s/he needs to follow the engine (in this case it is in form parents. )

Authoritarian parenting is a strict and discipline-oriented parenting style characterized by high expectations and a focus on obedience. While it has its few advantages, such as establishing clear boundaries and teaching discipline, there are also loads of really worst drawbacks to consider.

This parenting style can limit a child’s autonomy and independence, potentially leading to lower self-esteem and reduced decision-making skills.

Moreover, the pressure and unrealistic expectations of authoritarian parenting can contribute to increased anxiety and depression in children, straining the parent-child relationship.

On the positive side,  authoritarian parenting provides structure and order. By establishing clear rules, children learn discipline and self-control. The high expectations set by authoritarian parents can also foster a strong work ethic and encourage achievement. Additionally, this parenting style emphasizes respect for authority, preparing children for real-world situations where they must follow rules and comply with authority figures.

There are significant downsides to consider,  authoritarian parenting may restrict a child’s autonomy and independence. The lack of decision-making opportunities can hinder the development of crucial skills and limit self-confidence. The pressure to meet stringent expectations can lead to increased anxiety and depression in children, negatively impacting their mental health and emotional well-being. Furthermore, the power struggles and communication breakdowns that often arise can strain the parent-child relationship, potentially damaging trust and emotional connection in the long run.

Authori-tative Parenting ( best form of parenting - big YES to this )

As the word suggests “tative” you can think of it as a team of two ( parents + child ) working together to reach the goal without discipline and flexibility as well.

Authoritative parenting is a balanced and nurturing approach that promotes healthy child development. This parenting style combines warmth, responsiveness, and clear boundaries to create a secure and supportive environment for children. Numerous psychological theories support the benefits of authoritative parenting, demonstrating its positive influence on emotional well-being, social competence, and academic success.

One of the key benefits of authoritative parenting is its impact on children’s emotional well-being and self-esteem. By providing a secure and nurturing environment, authoritative parents foster a sense of safety and support, allowing children to express their emotions freely. This promotes emotional resilience and helps children develop a positive self-concept.

Authoritative parenting also plays a significant role in shaping children’s social competence and communication skills. Through their warm and responsive approach, authoritative parents foster empathy, respect, and cooperation in their children. They provide guidance in navigating social interactions and conflict resolution, enabling children to develop healthy relationships and effective communication skills.

Academic achievement and success are also positively influenced by authoritative parenting. By setting clear expectations and providing a supportive learning environment, authoritative parents empower their children to take ownership of their education. They encourage independence, motivation, and responsibility, fostering a love for learning and a strong work ethic.

To practice authoritative parenting effectively, key strategies can be implemented. Open communication and active listening are essential in building trust and understanding between parents and children. Setting clear and consistent expectations helps children understand boundaries and guidelines, promoting a sense of security and structure. Balancing support and autonomy allows children to develop decision-making skills while knowing that their parents are there to offer guidance when needed.

The long-term impact of authoritative parenting extends beyond childhood. By building resilient and confident individuals, authoritative parents empower their children to overcome challenges and develop a positive self-identity. The strong parent-child relationships established through authoritative parenting foster trust, respect, and open communication that can last a lifetime. Moreover, authoritative parenting sets a positive example for future generations, creating a cycle of healthy and effective parenting practices.

In conclusion, authoritative parenting offers a balanced and nurturing approach that benefits children’s emotional well-being, social competence, and academic success. By combining warmth, clear expectations, and open communication, authoritative parents create an environment that promotes positive child outcomes.

Permissive Parenting ( BAD )

A lenient and hands-off approach to parenting, has both advantages and disadvantages. This style focuses on allowing children freedom and self-expression, nurturing their independence and creativity. Positive parent-child relationships are often fostered, as permissive parents prioritize building trust, open communication, and providing support. Additionally, this parenting style encourages emotional intelligence by promoting empathy and understanding, allowing children to express their emotions without judgment.

Permissive parenting has its drawbacks.

A lack of structure and boundaries can lead to confusion and inconsistency for children, making it challenging to establish discipline and responsibility. Without clear guidelines, children may struggle to understand consequences and handle authority and rules, potentially developing a sense of entitlement and lacking accountability.

The development of a child gets negatively impacted by permissive parenting. This leads to poor social skills, issues with self-control, and possible implications on academic achievement and future success.

In summary, permissive parenting offers freedom and self-expression, fostering independence and positive parent-child relationships. However, it can lack structure and boundaries, potentially leading to entitlement and negative impacts on development.

By considering alternative approaches, setting healthy limits, promoting self-discipline, and seeking professional guidance, parents can find the right balance between freedom and structure, creating an environment that supports their child’s independence, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being.

Neglecting Parents ( BAD )

Neglecting parenting is the style of parenting; where one can observe absence of adequate care, attention, and emotional support, has severe consequences on a child’s development.

The emotional, cognitive, and social health of children can be significantly harmed by this destructive parenting approach.

Emotional neglect and attachment issues are common outcomes of neglectful parenting, hindering the formation of secure attachments and leading to long-lasting emotional difficulties.

As they attempt to form a healthy self-worth, children who experience neglect frequently battle with low self-esteem and a sense of unworth.

Additionally, neglecting parenting can result in challenges related to emotional regulation, leading to a higher risk of emotional dysregulation and behavioral problems.

Cognitive and academic consequences are also prevalent in children raised in a neglectful parenting environment. Delayed cognitive development is a common result of the lack of cognitive stimulation and intellectual growth.

This also have an impact on language development and academic readiness.

Poor academic performance becomes a challenge for children who lack the necessary support and guidance, leading to lower educational achievements and limited opportunities. Furthermore, neglecting parenting can hinder a child’s intellectual abilities, affecting problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and their overall cognitive potential.

Neglecting parenting significantly impacts a child’s social and interpersonal skills. The absence of opportunities for social interaction and development can result in impaired social skills and difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships.

From various studies across US; it is found that children who have been neglected are more likely to engage in criminal activity. Also it’s found that these kids have difficulty adhering to societal norms and rules.

These social challenges can have long-term implications on their adult relationships and overall well-being, increasing the risk of mental health issues.

Neglecting parenting style as explained above has far-reaching consequences on a child’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. This is concluded by various studies conducted over the decade in US and across the world.

Emotional neglect, attachment issues, low self-esteem, cognitive delays, poor academic performance, impaired social skills, and challenges in adult relationships; these are all outcomes of the neglectful parenting style. By prioritizing responsive parenting, seeking help and support, and building parenting skills and knowledge, we can break the cycle of neglectful parenting. For children’s general wellbeing and to promote healthy growth, it is essential to create a loving and encouraging atmosphere.

Over Involved Parenting ( BAD)

Over-involved parenting, also known as helicopter parenting, is a style characterized by excessive control, constant intervention, and an intense focus on a child’s activities.

There are drawbacks to over-involved parenting that should be considered. One of the main drawbacks is limited independence and autonomy for children. With parents constantly making decisions and solving problems for them, children may lack the ability to make choices and develop their own problem-solving skills. This can result in a lack of self-confidence and decision-making abilities. Another drawback is reduced resilience and coping skills. By sheltering children from failure and adversity, over-involved parenting limits their opportunities to develop resilience and problem-solving abilities, hindering their growth and development. Additionally, over-involved parenting can strain relationships between parents and children, as excessive control and micromanagement can lead to conflicts and create a dependency on parental involvement

To strike a healthy balance, it is important for parents to promote age-appropriate independence. Allowing children to take on appropriate responsibilities and encouraging gradual independence and decision-making helps foster their growth and self-confidence. Open communication is also crucial in maintaining a healthy parenting approach. By encouraging children to express their thoughts and feelings and actively listening to them, parents can provide support when needed and maintain a strong bond. Respecting boundaries and personal growth is another essential aspect of finding a balance. Recognizing and respecting children’s individuality and personal space, and allowing room for exploration and self-discovery, helps them develop their own identities.

In conclusion, over-involved parenting has both benefits and drawbacks. While it can increase safety, foster academic success, and strengthen parent-child bonds, it can also limit independence, reduce resilience, and strain relationships. Striking a healthy balance involves promoting age-appropriate independence, establishing open communication, respecting boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care. By finding the middle ground between involvement and independence, parents can create an environment that nurtures their child’s growth, well-being, and future success.


When it comes to parenting styles, there is no one-size-fits-all approach that is universally considered the best. Each parenting style has its own merits and demerits, and the ideal approach depends on various factors, including your child’s individual needs, your values, and your parenting philosophy. However, based on the analysis of different parenting styles discussed above, the authoritative parenting style tends to be widely regarded as an effective and positive approach.

Authoritative parenting strikes a balance between structure and nurturing, providing clear expectations and boundaries while also fostering open communication and independence. This style promotes healthy parent-child relationships, as it encourages mutual respect, active listening, and understanding. Children raised in an authoritative parenting environment often exhibit high self-esteem, social competence, and academic success.

That said, it’s essential to consider the unique characteristics and needs of your child. Some children may thrive under a more structured approach, while others may require greater flexibility and autonomy. It’s important to adapt your parenting style based on your child’s temperament, developmental stage, and individual strengths and challenges.

The best form of parenting is one that promotes your child’s overall well-being, fosters their emotional and cognitive development, and strengthens the parent-child bond. It involves providing a nurturing and supportive environment, setting appropriate boundaries, and encouraging open communication. Flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness are key qualities for effective parenting.

Remember that parenting is a journey of continuous learning and growth. It’s important to be open to new ideas, seek support and guidance when needed, and be willing to adjust your approach as your child grows and changes. By prioritizing your child’s needs, demonstrating love and support, and being a consistent and positive role model, you can create a nurturing and fulfilling parenting experience that sets the stage for your child’s lifelong well-being and success.